Govt of
KERALA plans to promote its tourism under a new brand called “LAND OF PI” which
was inspired by the film which has been shoot over there “ LIFE OF PI”.
The whole
film “life of pi” has been shoot over MUNNAR of KERALA, INDIA.
A still from Life of Pi.
The Ministry has already announced special National Tourism
Awards for Ang Lee, Director, and Yann Martel, author of the book “Life of
Pi”, for promoting India through the film.
By understanting the importance of cinema as a powerful
tool for promotion of various tourist destinations, ministry of
tourism kerala has undertaken several initiatives
for promoting film through INDIA.
The widely acclaimed film “Life of Pi” has been partly shot
in the beautiful locales of Puducherry and Munnar in Kerala. As per
the campiagn plan, “Land of Pi” posters produced by Tourism Ministry will
be displayed worldwide through India tourism offices in overseas.
T-shirts and caps branding the two destinations of Pi
will also distributed as per the massive campaign. Chiranjeevi had
held a meeting last month with Secretaries of Tourism of Puducherry and
Kerala along with tour operators of the region, immediately after it was
observed that the film had highlighted awareness of the two regions.